Here I am, doing my classic Andrew McCarthy impression for a show called Character Dog Run. It's a show where actors bring their own characters and improvise scenes with each other. I didn't do a very good impression of Andrew McCarthy and didn't know much about him. So I just kind of made him up as I went along. I said he was in Star Wars, won the 1988 Olympics, and worked his way through medical school. That's not Andrew McCarthy wearing his pants too low, that's Jeremiah Murphy.

Here I am again as Andrew McCarthy, in the same show, seconds later. Note the change in nuance as I have begun a new beat.

This is a very important picture for me. It shows me performing on stage and proves that I have performed for at least one other person. I was hosting the Character Dog Run Show this time. I thought I'd wear a fat tie to look goofy and comedy-wise. I should probably bend my knees slightly for better posture.
The same show, mere seconds later. Something has caught my attention stage left. The audience member takes full advantage by sneaking in a slurp. If it wasn't for this photo I would have ahd no idea.

Here is Sealegs McGoo, performing in the Character Dog Run Show. He's singing "I'm strong in the mornin' Because I eat me creamed corn-in." The tune never really went where I would have liked it to.

This is Sealegs talking to his pet canary, "Do you want a cracker, YES OR NO, I DON'T SPEAK BIRD!" The bench behind me is made out of wood. Often when I appear on stage my hands move so fast that not even digital cameras can capture their image.