Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

The Rules

If I enter a subway car at an off-rush-hour time period and the car is full and you are sitting down, I don't like you.

If you and I are in a line and you cut in front of me by saying "excuse me," I don't like you.

If you are on the bus and sitting in the two person seat units and sit on the outside seat so you can place your bag on the inside seat because you are afraid of people sitting next to you AND the bus is full, I don't like you.

If you are ahead of me in a line for a fast food restaurant and argue with the cashier I don't like you. Same goes if you start hitting on the cashier.

If you are a gust of wind that blows into my cell phone while I am trying to have a conversation with my mother, I don't like you.

If you have a baby carriage in A) a busy street, B) Times Square, C) a movie theatre, D) a crowded subway, or E) The West Side Market, I don't like you.

If you were the person who left the newspaper tie on the street that my feet walked into and I almost tripped as a man was repeatedly asking me for money, I don't like you.

If you are that high pitched whine I hear from the boiler downstairs whenever the heat kicks on, I don't like you.

If you are a piece of produce in my refridgerator, I like you, unless you spoil and don't let me know about it. Then, I don't like you.

If you are a dirty dish in my sink, I don't like you.

If you were that professor who gave me that test in Biology that I thought was on a one-sided piece of paper but then it turned out to be a two sided piece of paper then said "I hope you turn the paper over this time" as I was walking to class to take another test, I don't like you.

If you are my cell phone which I have set on vibrate and ring while I am going to the bathroom, I don't like you.


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