Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Howard Dean for President!

Howard Dean will bring healthcare to every man, woman, and child in the United States of America.

As the primaries go into full gear, I--a modest and humble character actor and office temp--am endorsing Howard Dean for President of the United States. I think healthcare for all US citizens is the vital issue. Dr Dean can get us there. The other candidates: Kerry, Edwards, and Clark all have good qualities that could trim the hedges of the Bush administration but Dean is by far my pick.

I first became interested in Dean last year when he loudly opposed the Iraqi War. And still he makes no excuses for this position while Kerry and Edwards both authorized Bush to invade. Now all the candidates (save Lieberman) say that the war in Iraq was a bad choice. I think they're honest in this criticism of Bush, but I think Dean's original deviation from the then popular opinion is an important distinction between him and the other candidates.

From listening to him speak on issues he strikes me as an intelligent thinker who puts together opinions as opposed to piecing together sound bytes based on polls. I've been watching all the candidates and Dean seems to get along crowds the best and talks to people as opposed to talking at people.

My Uncle Ed who lives in Vermont has met Dean several times and vouches for his friendly and personable nature.

The other candidates are fine. I think Bush debating an experienced southern trial attorney such as Edwards would be a great fight. Kerry spoke at my High School graduation--not the greatest speech, but he seems like a good guy who could beat Bush. And Clark with his incredible military background defended Michael Moore after his Oscar speech. I think Dean is the best candidate, being a former governor (who legalized same sex unions and provided healthcare to all children in the state) as well as gaining support from an incredible grass roots movement that's free of lobbyists. He's the man. Vote for Dean!


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