Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Why all the soda?

First of all, what's the standard blogging procedure for blog entry titles? Should all the words in the title be capitalized?

Secondly, why is soda becoming more and more of a meal staple? I remember when I was a kid soda was supposedly something like a treat. I was at lunch today, looking around and everybody had a soda for a beverage or some other ice-tea sugar drink. I used to do this too. I like soda, but shouldn't we all take it easy. That's a lot of sugar.

I'm getting a little thirsty thinking about all that delicious soda. Sweet, delicious, refreshing soda. Wonderful soda. Soda of dreams. Soft drinks, you tempt me.


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