Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Drop Some Names

Happy Halloween everybody! What's going on?

Last night I did an improv show, Character Dog Run, directed by my friend Stacy Mayer at this new comedy theater Juvie Hall. It's a cool new theater. Stacy showed my short Death Troll to open the show. All of the cast of Death Troll was in the audience. Backstage, it was fun to hear their voices laugh at the movie then hear their voices in the movie.

The "Character Dog Run" show is pretty cool. Around 7 actors each devise a character, the character's introduce themselves with a prepared monologue. Then a bunch of scenes are improvised. I prepared my monologue on the spot. I don't think anybody noticed. My character was a stand-up comedian zombie based of this character Eddie I did for this play in the 2003 New York Fringe Festival called "Carrot and Stick" written by Chris Alonzo. Eddie's a dead comedian so I did some dead jokes. They were really bad. I'm trying to remember them. One was "I just got back from Chicago and boy is my hearse out of gas." I pronounced Chicago, "Chicaga." It was sheer, uncontested genius.

My refrigerator's making some weird buzzing noise.

After the show we headed home. On the way home some of us stopped at this theme restaurant that we used to be strolling characters at. We had a fun time asking people "what are you still doing here?" and to the new people "We used to work here, but we were fired." It was also fun to walk by the character actors and whisper "Who are these hacks?!" I guess it's not as amusing when I type it. But if you worked there for three years and hadn't been back there in a year, and were me, you'd find the amusement.

My socks really smell bad. I need to buy some new one's these ones have quite the stank. I keep wearing them. But today I shall do a laundry. A laundry of kings. A laundry of merry kings.


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