Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Late at night, I type

I checked out some of the convention last night. Let me say there were some really hot blonde babes in the crowd. What is up with that? Seriously, did the cameras just search for the beautiful blonde women or is the GOP packed with them? Seriously, I want to know.

Speaking of women. The world really trounces all over women. I was thinking about how certain countries, certain religions treat women. I had singled out a specific culture, then I realized that another culture craps on women's rights and another and another. I was going to make a list of cultures and how they just ignore women's rights. Instead of singling people out, I then thought, about listing cultures that give women equality. I'm a little lost. Maybe in the United States and Canada women enjoy the most freedom, in certain areas? Maybe? But there are certain areas of these two countries where women most certainly do not enjoy full equality and you might even called them oppressed. Does anybody know of any societies where the sexes are equal? This is a huge issue that we forget about. Instead we focus on the distribution of oil in the world and other such business. We really forget about women's rights. Some countries really treat women poorly,like a sub-class. And we are allies with these countries and never bring up with them how maybe they should treat women a little better. What's that all about? Some people even think that if a religion treats women like a sub-class (and I'm talking about more than one religion) it's inappropriate, politically incorrect to comment how a certain people treat women. No it isn't!

And what about overpopulation? That's going to be the end of humanity. Nobody even cares!


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