Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Christmas List

Here is what I want for Christmas:

1. A couple months off paid vacation. This would simply make my day. I could use the time to get things done, relax, and pick up a light part time job for some extra cash. This is at the top of my list, folks, and its staying there.

2. A local A Train. Nothing besides free time off would make me happier than an A train which always made local stops, especially between midnight and three in the morning. I'd get home when I needed to and get a decent night's sleep for once.

3. A good snooze. I'm tired. I could really use a nice nap. Something with a blanket wrapped around me and ligth music playing. Think of this one as a stocking stuffer.

4. A chef. Folks, folks, folks. I am way too busy to be preparing my own food. The time has come for steps to be taken. Buy me a chef. A good one. Someone who's not crabby. I need my food to be made with love.



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