Jeremiah's Complaints

This blog tracks my problems with the way the universe is run.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

The Bathroom

I'm staying in a hotel in Vermont. I used the handicap stall in the lobby bathroom earlier. It was the size of my apartment. This is a joke about the size of my apartment, not a compliment about the size of the stall.

Using such a big stall, I felt guilty. I felt like I should have a baby so I could change its diaper in all the open space or something.

I haven't talked about my mice in a while. I thought they were gone, after I snap trapped a couple of them. But I was wrong. They now ignore the traps altogether. Even when I put expensive goat cheese on them. I really liked that goat cheese too. I hope the mice appreciate my efforts.

I just played a shoot-'em-up video game. On the video game console it tells you what you can shoot and it has a picture of a buff dude and a mega-babe (brunette), both holding guns. Underneath the picture of the two physically fit attractive gunslingers it says "Terrorists." I think if Terrorists were that good looking, they wouldn't be terrorists. They'd be hanging out at bars, meeting people, and breaking hearts. Just like the woman in the video game with the short shorts broke mine.

I ate too much today.


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